I have to say this year I am getting really excited about Halloween!
I love the Holidays, but I usually don't get this excited about Halloween.
You still won't catch me going all crazy with decorations for my house (cause I hate to have to take them back down..lol), but I can't wait to get started making costumes!
One of the biggest things that has me excited(and nervous) this year is the new church we joined, Keck Avenue Baptist, is holding a Trunk or Treat on Halloween this year.
I honestly didn't even know what this was.
I had heard of them, but I've never been to one. So when they announced in church that they needed decorated trunks with candy, I assumed they meant small wooden or cardboard box trunks....
Boy, was I wrong! lol
They meant car trunks! How completely awesome is that?!?!
From what I understand we are partnering with another neighborhood church and we are blocking off a section of road and lining the church members cars up the road with their trunks facing the road. Everyone then decorates their car trunks and passes out candy to the neighborhood kids as they come by. They are also going to be having food. Last year they said they went through 600 hot dogs and they ran out! That's an amazing number of people...
What an awesome way to reach out to the families in the surrounding neighborhood!
So I decided yesterday I better start planning out how I'm going to decorate my trunk so I have enough time(and money) to get it all made and together...So here's the plan I'm tentatively going with...
I'm going to freezer paper stencil that on a sweatshirt for me to wear. I'm also going to throw on jeans, a cute frog hat similar to the picture below, and some form of cute frog shoes/boots that I come up with.
As for decorating my van we're going to pop open the hatch, and cover it with a green (or painted green) tarp and add huge cardboard frog eyes to it similar to this pic...(just without the teeth and waves)
Then we are going to make a tongue similar to the one in the picture below, but a lot longer to stick out from the floor of the van out onto the ground...inside will probably be covered in black, or maybe like black and pink like a throat...like tonsils? Do frogs even have tonsils?? oh well... Haven't got that all figured out yet...lol...Somewhere there will also be a poster with the FROG acronym and meaning on it so the kids understand the message behind it
My oldest son Tyler got all excited along with me last night and we were up (way to late for a school night...oops) bouncing ideas off each other...We finally decided on the FROG idea, then he decided he wanted to dress up as a fly that's stuck to the frogs tongue. That's my boy! :0)...We are either going to have him setting in the back of the van on the tongue, or on a stool in front of the van with the tongue wrapped around him...possible holding a sign on a stick that says something to the effect that he's Fully Relying On God to help him out of his "sticky" situation...lol
So that's the plan as of right now..We found so many others that we liked too, but I'll probably post them in a separate blog post since this one ended up a little longer than intended..lol
I can't wait to get started on it all! Now I still have to figure out what my other two boys are going to be this year...
UPDATE: I did end up writing another posts with some other ideas I had found and the other idea that was a maybe to do this year before we decided on the FROG theme...So click here if you want to check out the other page also. Thanks! :0)

(The pictures above are not mine, and are not being represented as my own. They are pictures I found throughout the web last night while searching for ideas. I do not have referencing sites for the photos so if you are the owner of these pictures and want them removed then please let me know. Thanks!)
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