
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cake Plate Redo

Happy Wednesday! 
Sorry it's been a few days since I've posted..Things have been pretty busy around here.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
We did.

My dad came in town and spent the weekend with us.
Then I went with my mom and my brother to see the movie Courageous on Sunday afternoon...
It was fantastic! I'm definitely going to have to take all my boys to see it.

I had a lot of projects I had planned to work on this weekend.
Unfortunately, since we were so busy, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked.
But its ok, because to me family time should come first anyways  :0)

I have a couple of big projects in the works, that I should have done in the next few days(hopefully!)
but there's not much that I can actually show yet.

But while I was working on one of my other projects and already had out the supplies,
I decided to sand down and paint my cake plate base.

Remember this Cake Plate from my Thrifty Finds-week 1 post?

Well here's how the base started out:
not so pretty...

Then I sanded the crap out of it...and forgot to take a picture :0).

Primed it:

Then painted it black:

And here's it completely finished...

It looks so much better now!
Not to mention it's hard to beat that for a $1!

{If you enjoyed this post please consider "following" me.
I'm attempting to grow my fan base. Thanks! }


  1. I love these things. I find them all the time at a thrift store up the road. I really like using them to decorate at Christmas! I like the black base, I may have to paint one of mine :o) I have a white marble base one I paid $3 for, a black one would go well with that I think! My to do list keeps getting longer...

  2. This looks great! Can you lay the cake right on top of the base, or do you need to put something down to protect the cake from the paint?

  3. Amazing what a little paint can do, and the difference changing a little thing can make. Also, I just wanted to stop by and let you know that because I love your blog so much, I'm passing on the versatile blogger award to you! Come check out the rules on my site @
    XoXo! ;)

  4. @ Hinna..Sorry it took so long for me to comment back! I somehow missed your comment when it first came in.. I can't say for sure, but for me, I'm going to lay something down on the base first. I don't think I would trust putting cake straight onto a painted surface.

  5. I really want one of these, yours turned out great!
