
Friday, September 9, 2011

Where were you?

September 11, 2001...

There are very few days in a persons life that they can recall exactly what they were doing on a particular date and time...September 11, 2001, is one of those days.

For me, like most people, it started out a normal day. I dropped my kids off at daycare then went to work. I remember my boss got a phone call from someone telling him to turn on the news. He called all of us into his office to see the TV and we all watched in a shocked silence at the horrific scene that was unfolding before us.

We didn't get much work done that day. Everyone spent more time watching the news than anything. Watching the planes hit the towers, and then watching the towers collapse was gut wrenching...I'm pretty sure it was that way to most people. When I got back to the home daycare I remember sitting down watching the coverage with  my friend, the woman who ran the daycare, and she had tears streaming down her face.
It was just that kind of day.

My biggest memory from that day wasn't so much the day itself as it was the days following...I remember hearing President Bush on the radio. Regardless of your political views, he was one person, to me, who when he gave a speech could actually make my eyes well up with tears, and make me so proud to be an American and to belong to this great nation. It was the only time that I can remember (in my 31 yrs) that our nation seemed to come together to help and support each other regardless of race, political views, or even religion. We were just Americans feeling sorrow, hurt, anger, and we were scared to death it could happen again...
But as a nation, we were united and determined to rebuild, and never forget the lives lost and the many heroes of that day.

To me and my family September 11, 2011, will be a very hard day. Not because it's the 10 year anniversary, or even because we lost someone to the towers...we didn't...what we did loose though was one of my heroes, my grandfather, on that very same day 1 year ago.

It is so hard to believe that it has been a year already since he's been gone. I still can't think or talk about him (or apparently without starting to cry...
He left a large, unfillable, hole in our family when he passed on. They just don't make men like him anymore...I know he's pain-free, and in a much better place now, but it doesn't make loosing him any easier. I still miss him everyday.

September 11, no matter the year, will be difficult to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons, and a day that will not be forgotten.
Take the day to spend time with your family, hug your kids a little tighter, and be thankful that God has blessed you with another day on this earth with your loved ones.

Also take the time to do something nice for someone today..If everyone did this then our nation could come together and it not take a tragedy to make it happen. I made my pledge..have you? K-Love make a Difference in a Million Lives

If you haven't heard this song yet check it out....

And these next two are for Grandpa...It was two of his favorite songs. I love you.

and because I couldn't is one of my 7, this girl has the voice of an angel! :0)


  1. I was in Latin class when I heard the news we had a long silence for this tragedy. You are right the 7 year old does have a voice.

  2. I was in Algebra 2 during my junior year. School pretty much came to a halt that day. I can't believe it's already been a year since Grandpa passed. You are right, he is one of a kind!

  3. I saw it on the news as I was leaving for school. I was a junior in High School and was going to a Catholic school at the time. When I got to school, we stayed in and watched the news all morning, had a mass, and said prayers over the intercom for the rest of the day. I was actually thankful at that time to be going to a catholic school.

  4. I was starting a new teaching job. Creative writing. I made the kids write out how they were feeling so they would never forget. They were so sad and scared and confused.
